Arki Brownbill (8). Melbourne - Australia.
Row One
Monkey soft toy with ‘Arki’ T-shirt | ‘Salty’ penguin soft toy | Seed pyjama shirt and shorts | Milk carton | TV remote control | Bowl with porridge and spoon | Honey |
Underpants | Seed T-shirt | Shorts | Tennis ball and tennis racquet | Sherrin Kangaroo Brand Australian-rules football | Assorted balls (x 6) |
Magic balloons with straw (x 7) | Cap | Everyday 30+ suncream | BronZinc suncream | ‘Don’t touch my stuff, or my face or my hair’ canvas bag | Fishing rod | Water flask | Fishing net | Berkley fishing tackle box |Float | Lures (x 2) | Fishing rope | Fishing hooks (x 3) | Banana | Watermelon slices (x 2)
Row Two
Quiksilver wetsuit | O’Neill wetsuit shoes | Surf board | Assorted shells (x 27) | Snorkel and mask | Sand | Pair of flippers | Weighted diving toys (x 3) | Towel and ropes |
Chopping board with Kraft peanut butter, knife and slices of bread (x 2) | Drinking cup | Lurpak butter | Plate with watermelon slices (x 2)
Row Three
Bop It! game | Retro skateboard with chain | Helmet | Swiss Army knife | Tape measure | Screwdriver | Spirit level | Toolbox | Duct tape | Spirit level | Walkie-talkies |
iPhone 4 | Headphones | Chain reel | Loom bands case | Assortment of loom bands | Loom band board | iPod Nano | Bread roll | Bowl with spaghetti bolognese and fork |
Smiggle pencil case | Assorted stones (x 8) | Box of precious stones | Ruler | Felt-tip pens (x 4) | Bumper Book of Silly Stuff to Do! by Terry Denton |
Street Art: The Spray Files by Louis Bou | Soap | Shampoo | Whale bath toy | Syringe (bath toy) | Diver bath toy | Syringe (bath toy) | Missoni Towel | Colgate toothpaste |
Hairbrush | Toothbrush | Scooby-Doo hand-held fan | Maxx Rumble: Footy Stacks of Maxx! by Michael Wagner